Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Blog assignment #5

Anna Sun -Walk the Moon

Tempo [slow, medium, fast]
allegro--> The tempo for this song is relatively fast 

Source [where is the rhythm coming from?]
The tempo originates from the drum set it the background. 

Groove [describe how the personality of the rhythm]
The groove of this song is upbeat and more indy. Heavy on the the deeper drums. 

LISTENING PHASE 2 (Arrangement)
Instrumentation [which instruments drive the song?]
The instruments driving this song are the drum set and the background and the electric guitar. 

Structure/Organization [how is the song built? Order, patterns, etc.]
The structure of this song is a very simple structure. It goes verse 1, verse 2, chorus, verse 3, bridge, bridge and it's over. 

Emotional Architecture [Draw how the song build and drop?]
The song builds and builds until you get to the bridge and the song then gets less intense, building up again to the end of the song. 

LISTENING PHASE 3 (Sound Quality) Balance 
Height [high and low of frequency]
There is little height created with the occasional electric guitar solo where the guitar is only about an octave higher than the rest of the song. 

Width [stereo panning left/right]
Little to even width within this song. 

Depth [layers of instruments - via loudness] 
Not too many layers of instruments. The chorus of the song starts off with just deep drums in the background during the "anna sun" part and then it goes into just the drum set and guitar. Then eventually adding in base and deep drums. 

We Are Young- Fun

Tempo [slow, medium, fast]
Moderato. Its fairly moderate. 

Source [where is the rhythm coming from?]
For the beginning of the song, the source is from the base drum on the drum set and is then taken over by the snare drum on the drum set and the piano. For the rest of the song, it is fueled by the drum set and piano. 

Groove [describe how the personality of the rhythm]
Soft rock, a little jazzy. 

LISTENING PHASE 2 (Arrangement) 
Instrumentation [which instruments drive the song?]
The drums in the background and the piano. 

Structure/Organization [how is the song built? Order, patterns, etc.]
Verse 1, chorus, verse 2, chorus, Bridge 1, Bridge 2, chorus, beginning of verse 1. 

Emotional Architecture [Draw how the song build and drop?]
This song has similar architecture to the first song. It builds to the bridge, dies down a little, build more to end, and then ends softly. 

LISTENING PHASE 3 (Sound Quality) Balance
Height [high and low of frequency]
This song has great height. The song is a lower pitch, however throughout the entire song, the piano is added in an octave higher creating more height. 

Width [stereo panning left/right]
This song has even width. 

Depth [layers of instruments - via loudness] 
This song mainly consists of the drum set in the background, the piano, and the voices. 

The two songs I chose were Anna Sun by Walk the Moon and We Are Young by Fun. Anna Sun is much faster compare to We Are Young. However, for each song the source is the same. It comes from the drum set. Although We Are Young is also driven by the piano. The groove for both songs is not the same. They both have a different feel to them. Anna Sun is infinitely more of an “indy” song with deep drums in the background driving the tempo of the song. We Are Young, while also being fueled by the drums, has more of a soft rock feel to it. These songs also have similar instrumentation. The first includes a small amount, the only ones I can distinguish being the drums, base guitar, and electric guitar. The second song includes the exact same instruments, they are just used in a different way. The first song uses more of the base drum throughout the song, the second is more of the snare drum. As far as the structure of these songs, they are again different. While the first song is relatively simple with just a verse, chorus “back-and-forth”, the second includes two bridges within the song. The emotional architecture of each song is again similar because they both build in intensity twice within the song. They both also end with a sweeter, softer ending. As far as which song I prefer, Anna Sun is my personal preference. I personally prefer more “indy” music and I think this song is more unique than the other. The drums in the background really add to the personality of the song. I also enjoy the fact that the second song is more upbeat and it has a happier message to it. Anna Sun is more about overcoming unhappiness and living life with your friends while the majority of We Are Young is talking about scars and hardships until you get to the chorus when the lead singer finally starts talking about how everything up until that point has no significance because, tonight, We Are Young.